Thursday, 18 October 2012

finding more interation with the design

finding more interation with the design 142

i thought about adding in anther more interaction. so i wondered if i could have something that was always moving with the mouse, either with it, close to, a delayed reaction behind it. but none of the less, have something that would always show were the flow was going, a dictator or leader sort of thing.

intially i ahd a lot of troblue just putting in basic trail of square that would follow the mouse. first of all it didnt want to work which took awhile to inout that in with my code.
when it did decide to work, took soo long to loadwhen the screen turned up, the square became so lagged with like a 10-20sec delay when moving, and the ppoints didnt even show.

so with that i lowerd the size of the rectangle so that they were like .5- 1 pixels. This was the only way it would work with code. With these squares in the anteration made the flow of points to more really slowly and the it jsut didnt look good. plus you couldnt really define the squares due to them being so smal and taking on the sort of attributes of the flow of points

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