Thursday, 18 October 2012

development coding proj 3

development coding proj 3

next i thought to myself i could make my code really cool with the flow points that i already have in my code. I wanted to manipulate the flow and aesthetic of the points to the corresponding input of noise into the speaker. This will be a sort of abstract flame

This will change colour and then velocity to the actual flow of the points depending how loud or soft you are talking into the speaker.

really loud noise corresponding to a white flame with the fasest velocity, changed colour to white and the flow will be very straight as if the flame is very very intense strong and hot.

next will be around talking noise level where the it will become a blue flame were it changes colour, velocity as slower than the white and is at medium pace, the flow is a lot more curvy that the white, but still ahs some straightness to it.

lastly the red flame will correspond to the least hottest flame, with a change of colour, slowesty velocity, and a very curvy flow as a real flame would do.

This code sounded good at the time, but after much debate and hitting a lot of dead ends. i decided to scrap the idea.
This was me trying to work speakers out but not happeneing.

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