Thursday, 18 October 2012

Development aesthetic

Development aesthetic 142

Here i ahve added more points to make flow better. does not lag as much to. soo i shall add more untill it flows better

This is how it looks like with more points, looks really great im happy with this, gives a lot more control when using the mosue movement. and it looks good filling the whole screen up, captivating your attension.

part of my interaction was changing colours just for fun, this was the first way i used to change colours. key pressing was not effective so i shall change this.

I have used a more effective way to change colours with changing my code to suit a mouse click. so it now will rget a random r, g, and b value and combine them to make a colour.

with the aesthetics i went with when mouseclicked it will invert the image and have a delayed bluredd effect when cahnging into anther colour. i found this to be very interesting and made the aesthetic that much more better

Next i wanted to see how i can develop the aesthetic of how the points will be mvoing across the screen.
so with this filters again add a blur funtion to the flow of points to blur out the trail behind its self then fade out. this looked sooo captivating giving a sort of smokey feel.

but with this made the computer slow down a bit, so you have to adjust with lowering the screen size so that the flow can still ahve its same velocity on the x and y axis, and or lowing how many points are going to be on the screen at that time.

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