Thursday, 18 October 2012

Dsdn 142 improving the aesthetic

Dsdn 142 improving the aesthetic

From the interium presentation for dsdn 142 project three, i  presented a sort of 'wave' function that had its own velocity through the x and y axis as it travelled through the screen in a rectangle that has the width and height of the screen. this velocity had a flow function that a certain 'noise' movement inside the line of code, so it seems to move naturally then just going in random directions.

Each of these velocitys and direction of the flow is manipulated through through changing certain variables in the section of line used for that purpose.

This flow can be manipulated through follow the mouse funtions. This flow follows the mouse in its own noisey fashion with its certain veloicty. every square does not follow the mouse, and does not go exactly straight to where the mouse. when you hover the mouse in the center of the screen the squares rotate on its self.

Overall i like the interaction of design. next of is to improve the aesthetic values of the interation.

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