Tuesday 30 October 2012

112 proj 2b. the stuff haha

112 proj 2b. the stuff haha

Overall, i wanted this ad to not be too long. as most ads in todays society or not long.
This is ideal as it will looking shabby with people gabbling on about different perspectives the whole time. so keeping it short around the 1min mark is good.

This ad is quick and consists and gets straight to the point of what is happening in the ad. not telling exactly what this ap is, but explaining it in its own to the viewer through public/ university student opinon of the navigation ap.

This is ideal as the app is for victoria university, and if this appeals to the age group of the students studying ti will become fundamental inn the marketing industry for the app to become viral.
So intended audience is accounted for.

The music i felt as if it didn't need to be too dull, so more upbeat is key,  as the students are getting into the more technological aged era, and todays society are fulling more into the hip hop/funk/rock/techno sounded music.
so music is accounted for.

The dialog used is all important. this is the body of the ad. This explains the navigation app in its own unique way, through the people retelling what they heard, and what to find out about the nav app.
This dialog in general speak about the facts that the app has, but again in a unique fashion.
this being something that is in relation towards the viewers/ actors, and the audience intended to use the app will find understanding and or amusing. Therefore the dialog has factual information about the app, to the quircky-ness, sillyness and funny remarks of how the actors portray what they wanted to hear about the app.

I enjoyed doing this video, made me think about film a lot, and how many things influence the interaction between human and media.

thank you to my tutors- shippy and steve. it was a pleasure being your student.
thank you anglea.

112 proj 2b. the stuff haha

112 proj 2b. the stuff haha

I found that using animation effects for my ad is not very effective.
This is because its all real life people having conversations to each other. barely blurring at the start after an establishing shot was effective.

So i decided to not use animations as it was not correct for the format that i am going for in my video/ ad.

112 proj 2b. the stuff haha

112 proj 2b. the stuff haha

i have a lot of videos i wanted to show but it wont let me upload.

i put the clips together, as they would in series of a talking conversation. in some perspectives i had quick establishing shots of the group of people a bit of the park and even a bit of the boys playing soccer. this looks good for transition to next people instead of jsut cutting to the next person after everyone talks. i found this through research and look at similar ads.

Doing the vid 112 proj 2b

Doing the vid 112 proj 2b

I found actors, i just friends from the my hall ustay.

Thier names are:
bradley milwards, nicole jamison, jessica shaw, ashliegh berry, tom dowling, jack laing, curtis yates and cole holyoake.

we used the park 'glover park' on ghuznee street to shoot the vid.
This was ideal as it was quite windy out side, good for a nav app in wellington. birds chirping, tree noises, outside people making different noises, cars drills etc.
this all makes for a more realistic view for the vid, as if they are outside chilling  together as friends as real people would do.

I had some of them playing soccer in the background to add more emphasis on the realism of the movie. and the outer background noises to be loud.

i used music from http://www.jamendo.com/en/

this was a very good free music place, i had downloaded many vids and tried them out but i only used

- Horizon by SundLy.
 nice strong upbeats, but not over powering, enough to hold great interest for the viewer.

Doing the vid 112 proj 2b

Doing the vid 112 proj 2b

for my vid i have a group of friends that are chilling out in a park going about normal business then BOOM. one of the friends announces that they heard about a new navigation app, from where the basis of the ad starts. this will then go on to separate indivduals talking about what they heard about the ap. giving expressing depending on the statements used.

These indivduals will be filmed either talking to a group, or a singular person if they are looking and talking to them.

The shots that will cover these views, are close up shots, over the shoulder shots and panning.

when the person who know about the app comes in and starts talking, shots will be looking up at him as if the camera is one of the friends understanding him, grasping close up shots as he uses a lot of exspression and body movements to show how good this app is.

brighter parts of the video, louder sound, strong voice. looking around and nodding to everyone as if he really knows what he is talking about.
everyone in the group will have some thing to say. and something different, and mostly good things to say.
will have someone sort of opposing it, but then someone comes in as if that is irrelevant and makes that app sound even better, showing great exspression and words.

112 proj 2b the guts of the video

112 proj 2b the guts of the video

If i wanted this video of the add to be different to others, i will have to take into account the inspiration i had of the Samsung galaxy S3 ad and do a different take.

I am going to take that concept of a group of people talking about what they heard about the phone and use that for my app, and then have someone who is already familiar with the app and explains there point of view.

This point of view will ultimately going over the general feature of the app, special functions in this own unique way instead of actually telling it.

For this video i will have to find a group of people willing to be videoed.

extra factors towards making still amusing to the viewer, is having good facial expressions of the actors, with conjunction to their lines. this is emphasized with music when the people are not talking music ill be come louder keeping viewers interest.

The ad 112 2B

The ad 112 2B

This ad i found to have inspiration towards what i am seeking.
pretty much exactly how i wanted to an Ad. Something totally different.


This phone company Samsung used people to talk about there app, thourgh what they heard about it.
all the wonderfull things it has and does. even the things they didnt like. This was all done in a real quick cut scene perspectives of different people posing the differing perspectives of the samsung galaxy s3.

This is very fundamental towards my design. as i could make this real funny by the way people explained there point of views about the app, through words and body language to that of the background music.