Thursday 27 September 2012

Inspiration to help with my concept

Inspiration to help with my concept

The way the particles are moving across the screen in a noisey fashion, with a certain veloicty
is how i want my images to work by moving across the scrren in that sense.

I find that perlin noise is key in working my design. again like the top iamge, the way things are moving in a nosey fashion seem for natural than that of random. all going in differnt directions and velocitys along the x and y axis.

From each they react to the mouse click, to repel the objects on the screen. in a noise fashion not going all in one direction
inspiration from open processing, i cant find it again for some reason?

but again the particles react to the movement of the mose

off the examples in library, soft body.
working with following the mouse a certain delay after moving, re shapping its self towards its point with a certain velocity

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