Thursday 27 September 2012

Concept 142 proj 3


An interaction, a way of means between user and media.
I am aiming to make use of particles or a an x amount of shapes, that can be manipulated through following something, reacting to mouse press whilst being visually engaging.

So with that statement i am going to try and produce moving shapes/particles/through points of space moving around in a random path in a certain direction in a certain area of space, that get redrawn once moved out of the x amount of space.
these will all be given a certain amount of velocity, that move around either thier given x or y axis.
these points in space are drawn in at certain spaces.

Hopefuly it will react to the movement of the mouse, moving  shapes from there points of the objects in space to anther particular part in space a certain distance in a random fashion, or particular direction.
These movements will have a certain velocity on the x or y axis.

I will want to have left mouse pressed to attract these certain particles in a certain amount of radius to a point and start pulsating a certain radius when clicked.  also work with mousedrag, and keep attracting as you move along the screen. This will either keep piling up with more particles as you drag, or attract a certain amount, and starting flinging out more if it attracts too much. then with mouse released to disperse them in a random direction with random velocity either x or y axis. The right click will will do the same effect as the left button funtion except repel.

once ive fully learnt how to certain functions, i will tackle my code and then later add effects

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