Thursday 27 September 2012

inspiration for concepts 142 proj 3

inspiration for concepts

These two images of fish swimming around in the ocean, is the concept of how i want my obects to be moving around on the scrren, and having there own influences in their own enviroment. giving there own random direction around points with there own random velocity, being influenced by certain disturbances in there enviroment to be drawn to it, or reppeled by it.

The use of how attraction and repulsion of magnets will be key on how much and how far the diamter of when i mouselick left or right it will effect the moving images.
as you drag across the field you can show what has been attracted, and or reppeled.

The game temple run, has alot of effects when abosrbing coins, when going through them, and increasing in velocity depending how far you have gone.
has effects of wheather attracting coins, when going through magnets.

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