Thursday, 27 September 2012

storyboard 142 proj 3

storyboard 142 proj 3

How my concept works so far

How my concept works so far

following mouse direction to the left certain x and y position

folowing right direction certain x and y position.
and mouse pressed to change colour

and when mouse is in the centre the start to stop moving in the middle, and moving around the center of themselves.

writing out my code

writing out my code 142 proj 3,

Writing out all my code, explaing why i have these certain numbers functions at certain spots. and what i intened for each certain code to be doing.

Help from ryan guy for helping to write out code, and understand certain things. his blog is here :

Inspiration to help with my concept

Inspiration to help with my concept

The way the particles are moving across the screen in a noisey fashion, with a certain veloicty
is how i want my images to work by moving across the scrren in that sense.

I find that perlin noise is key in working my design. again like the top iamge, the way things are moving in a nosey fashion seem for natural than that of random. all going in differnt directions and velocitys along the x and y axis.

From each they react to the mouse click, to repel the objects on the screen. in a noise fashion not going all in one direction
inspiration from open processing, i cant find it again for some reason?

but again the particles react to the movement of the mose

off the examples in library, soft body.
working with following the mouse a certain delay after moving, re shapping its self towards its point with a certain velocity

how to work my concept 141

how to work my concept 141 proj 3.

functions that will help make my concept work


mouse in 2d

mouse follow

mouse button


mouse functions

mousemove colour change

mouseclick change colour

mouse release

moving on curves reacting to the mouse movement

moving objects using velocitys



concepts 142


Here is my concept on how i plan on things will move and interact with the user through media.

inspiration for concepts 142 proj 3

inspiration for concepts

These two images of fish swimming around in the ocean, is the concept of how i want my obects to be moving around on the scrren, and having there own influences in their own enviroment. giving there own random direction around points with there own random velocity, being influenced by certain disturbances in there enviroment to be drawn to it, or reppeled by it.

The use of how attraction and repulsion of magnets will be key on how much and how far the diamter of when i mouselick left or right it will effect the moving images.
as you drag across the field you can show what has been attracted, and or reppeled.

The game temple run, has alot of effects when abosrbing coins, when going through them, and increasing in velocity depending how far you have gone.
has effects of wheather attracting coins, when going through magnets.

Concept 142 proj 3


An interaction, a way of means between user and media.
I am aiming to make use of particles or a an x amount of shapes, that can be manipulated through following something, reacting to mouse press whilst being visually engaging.

So with that statement i am going to try and produce moving shapes/particles/through points of space moving around in a random path in a certain direction in a certain area of space, that get redrawn once moved out of the x amount of space.
these will all be given a certain amount of velocity, that move around either thier given x or y axis.
these points in space are drawn in at certain spaces.

Hopefuly it will react to the movement of the mouse, moving  shapes from there points of the objects in space to anther particular part in space a certain distance in a random fashion, or particular direction.
These movements will have a certain velocity on the x or y axis.

I will want to have left mouse pressed to attract these certain particles in a certain amount of radius to a point and start pulsating a certain radius when clicked.  also work with mousedrag, and keep attracting as you move along the screen. This will either keep piling up with more particles as you drag, or attract a certain amount, and starting flinging out more if it attracts too much. then with mouse released to disperse them in a random direction with random velocity either x or y axis. The right click will will do the same effect as the left button funtion except repel.

once ive fully learnt how to certain functions, i will tackle my code and then later add effects

Thursday, 20 September 2012

research 142. proj 3,


This is very interesting interaction as the when you click the screen , the image blurs from its structured image and changes form. This structures form has points where bright lights shoot off following

when you click it the flash lights rearrange somewhere, and restart, growing outwards with light along the lines of structure, to a point, then flows out again in all directions. even over lapping.

research 142

I find this peice to be very interesting. you just seem to want to play with it. you can move it alaround with left button, then slice it with the right button, or even slice and move the peice that you just sliced off. the interaction on this peice is just wonderful.
The use of changing gravity, helps when things are getting out of hand. it offers some sort of a control, but interacts at the same time.

concepts 112


we had to choose from doing some sort of futuristic tool, or something for the phone. i had some concepts for futuristic tool, but found to be too complicated for the video and very time consuming. so i am going with the phone.

I think im going along the lines of an application for the phone.

research 112

research of google maps.

This research is very essential for my project.
to see were you going shows the birds eye view of the area. giving a wire frame of the area.

also has how you are going to search up of trying to find your destination.

This also shows the concept of following a path once created from your destination to that of the destination you have just searched

Giving distance and how long it will take to get tere is also a great feature.

research 112

tsunami probs

again the use of frequency or waves for the wave height of the incoming waves, loss of water.

research 112

Dolphin sonar

The use of high frequency clicks will be usefull for my project.

research 112

Defination of what sonar is.

Research 112

Boat sonar

I like the use of sonar, espically in submarines. the sonar travelling through the water and reflecting off the surfaces until it hits something else in the water and rebounding back to its postion.

This is really helpful as it also gives an estimation of how far away something is and time destination to get in range, or to a point.

research 112


I like the use of sonar that the bat uses to identify where it is going.  This will be useful in trying to incorporate in looking out for something specific eg a room/destination.

Monday, 10 September 2012

research 112 proj 2

research 112 proj 2

I found this to be one of my favourite sites. It takes on the concept og gaming navigation and brought into real life. through the use of magnets and light to determine a certain route to an end result.

Very good site, as when you use a light arrow pops up on the floor and tells you which way to turn, after inputting it into your phone of where you want to go.

research 112 proj 2

Research 112

These are navman products which help you find your way around in a car.
this could influence my project as it has to grasp the same concept of getting from point A to point B.

research 112 proj 2

Research 112

I found this site to be very helpful ' GPS architecture' as it explained to components of what certain edevices do to navigate.

GPS user segments uses Gps recievers. This is the main function as it recieves gps signals, and solve the navigation equations in order to find the co ordinates and provided accurate time.