Sunday 5 August 2012

112 explanation

My project for 'interactive objects' is of sight, where i am trying to portray a visual deception to the human eye. This is consisted of using light to deceive the eye of which colour is which.

I have got different coloured blocks, some red and some blue. I have placed them in a concealed box with no other white light. This box has gloves on either side for your hands to go into, a light with a red filter over it at the top, with two holes at the top for where your eyes go into and two slots labeled red and black at the back of the box. The aim for you is to place the different coloured blocks in the right slot. The problem is when the blue blocks come under the red light they become black. So at the end when you have finished placing the blocks into there slots, you think you would have them all right until you look into the slots and find the black blocks to be actually blue again. This is because if the light is or contains the colour the object is striking, then the object will appear to be the colour it originally is, if the light is not or does not contain the the colour the object is striking then the object will appear black.

This is because an object will only reflect the light that is the same colour as it, all other light is absorbed. So therefore at the end of this project you will be mind boggled as to what happened to the black blocks. 

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