Tuesday 15 May 2012


This was the outcome of my design. I liked it but i wanted to add more structure, durability and aesthetic to the design, so i added more main frames to the centre to add more layers, and strength to the object. Giving it more of a gem like structure to the design. As seen above with the new physical photos. 

This is the frontal layout of my design, the central frame pieces were all connected together by slots, but were as one piece not halved, from were the vertical pieces slotted together through the middle.
I had redesign the centre angel piece as the connections were not working when i placed it vertically, to give/keep the symmetrical design aspect of the object. 

With adding a two pieces to each side, added more strength and durability to the frames making it a more dependant design. To do this i added more slots between the bottom and centre   slots and one between the top and centre slots.

This images show again where they were broken, and the sizes of the different pieces that were used to slot everything in. Had to resize the small/big slots pieces as alot were either to loose or some just did  not go in, so made multiple amounts of them with different sizes, raging from 2.1mm,  2.15mm and 2.2mm

This image shows that, the slots that i had were to low, and close to the edges, and therefore broke quite easily when trying to slot in my pieces, so i had to make the design wide enough so that they would not break,  and much more lower from the top edge and sides so that they can slot in more effectively with the hassle of being very very careful with slotting.

This shows my development of how big my first design was, i found that it was to small, and pieces were to busy, as it had less negative space to fully show the structure of the design.
So i made bigger pieces  to add more strength and better aesthetic to the design.

In this phase i developed my concept, by changing the whole form  of the object to better suit the needs of how everything is going to come together, the actual structure of the object, and holding more of a relevance to my precedents. Made it  more 3D with adding a second frame vertically, to give a more diamond/sapphire gem like structure. Added the angel like shape in the middle for the sentimental value. Still used the slotting technique to have the secondary vertical frames connect to the main frame. This was also used for my angel shape on its wings.

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