Tuesday 29 May 2012

DSDN 101 group work two proj 3

In this group project we have grasped the main points of conceptualising, developing then producing a visually engaging advertisement for our group brand, CONFLICT RECORDS. 

"Conflict Records" is the fictitious company that we portrayed in this task. After some thought on what the company might represent, we came to the desicion that they should be  record store, that appealed to the target audience of the ages 18-35.The keyword of 'Conflict' was the main idea behind our whole advertisement. The images and thoughts of that word, sprung to mind many ideas, from where we used the portrayal of war to depict our theme for this assignment.To visually depict our advertisement we used the colour themes of red, black and white, along with geometric shapes and photo montage to correspond with a theme akin to the Russian constructivist era of the early 20th century. This was merged with paint splatters, radio signals/ waves, and a military stencil font, to modernise the constructivist look and give a sense of new-age grunge music.
Music has always had dual function in war; as a means of communication and psychological warfare in the direct sense and as a major role in the commemoration or expression of feeling about war. There are many reasons a war comes about, and typically on of those reasons is a domestic revolution. This train of thought lead us to use the the French revolution as a precedent for our advertisements, and thus our slogan 'La Revolution' - A message of rebellion, one that we think represents "Conflict Records" well."
This was from my co workers blog.

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