Tuesday 6 March 2012


Inspirational abstract objects/images...

A metal sphere, that blooms to its inner goodness.

Metal/plastic spheres, with hidden detail through out.

A mixture of colours, with different strokes length, very eye catching

Alien like object, with sleek futuristic curves

A bit of "street funk" with much detail, with every object presented in this image

The "basic wave" much interest towards the ocean, and the way it forms and breaks.

The whole human/creature body intrigues me. This in particular the "eye" coloured differently catches my "eye"

The way that both of these shells are constructed gives me much interest, especially the top image, with its "endless" circular curves. 

These the last images i couldn't find the links.
But I find all these images to be very interesting, bringing a range of magnificent design elements to light.
Through the use of colour, to the extravagant designs of futuristic buildings.

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